Click an episode title to access the transcript.

Please note that some transcripts have been adjusted to correct minor factual inaccuracies in the original recordings. In cases of a discrepancy between the transcript and the original recording, the information in the transcript should be considered more accurate and up-to-date. Please also note that the first season of Revere House Radio was recored in 2020, when the museum was closed due to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic – which is why some early episodes make references to the museum being closed. 

Episode 2: Did Paul Revere Do Other Rides?

Episode 3: What did Paul Revere Actually Say?

Episode 4: What Actually Happened on the Midnight Ride?

Episode 5: Were the Other Riders?

Episode 6: Was Paul Revere’s Ride Important

Episode 7: Paul Revere’s Odd Jobs

Episode 8: Paul Revere and the Boston Massacre

Episode 9: Paul Revere & the Boston Tea Party

Episode 10: Paul Revere & Dentistry

Episode 11: Paul Revere, Silversmith

Episode 12: Paul Revere’s Copper

Episode 13: Paul Revere’s Politics

Episode 14: History of the Paul Revere House

Episode 15: Rachel Revere at Work

Episode 16: Paul Revere’s North End

Episode 17: Paul Revere & Penobscot

Episode 18: Paul Revere’s Apprenticeships

Episode 19: Advocacy & Activism

Episode 20: Paul Revere and Dr. Joseph Warren

Episode 21: Where was Paul Revere Jr. during the Siege of Boston?

Episode 22: The Revere/ Rivoire Connection

Episode 23: Lathrop Place

Episode 24: The Pierce-Hichborn House

Episode 25: Restoration & Early Days of the Paul Revere House

Episode 26: Revere Holidays

Episode 27: Happy Birthday Paul Revere!

Episode 28: The Life and Symbolism of Christopher Seider

Episode 29: Illuminating 1771

Ep 30: Becoming Mothers: Sarah and Rachel Revere

Ep 31: Revere Family Images and Descriptions

Ep 33: Archaeology at the Paul Revere House

Ep 34: What did Paul Revere Jr. do during the Siege of Boston?