Summer Weather In Colonial Boston

Summer Weather In Colonial Boston By: Mehitabel Glenhaber   In the summer months, especially on a 95-degree day like we’ve been having a lot of this year, visitors to the Revere house often ask, “Wouldn’t they have been hot?” How did people in colonial...

Paul Revere’s “Other” Rides

Paul Revere’s “Other” Rides By: Tegan Kehoe   Listen, our readers, and you shall hearof the lesser-known rides of Paul Revere.   While Revere is famous for his midnight ride on the eve of the Revolutionary War, he actually made a number of rides as a...

Interactive Map: The Midnight Rides

Interactive Map:The Midnight Rides of April 18 & 19, 1775 The Midnight Rides of April 18-19, 1775 Get Started Map goes here. Enabling JavaScript will give you the best...

The “Boston Marriage” of Edith Guerrier and Edith Brown

The “Boston Marriage” of Edith Guerrier and Edith Brown By: Tirzah Frank Edith Guerrier begins her autobiography “It is good to be alive! That is how I feel today, and that is how I felt seventy-seven years ago when, at the age of three, I ran away, taking...